Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Duke Documentary Posts

I watched/listened to two different podcasts about vastly different subjects. I was intrigued by each podcast, just in different ways. The podcasts taught me new ideas and informed me greater in others.
The first podcast that I listened to was The South in Black and White. This podcast was aired after the Duke Lacrosse team scandal. This program promotes this new class about not only history but racial issues today as well. He says that everyone thinks about race and you must reflect on your culture. The class will have conversations about history and how to deal with race today. There will be performances of the Emmett Till story, gospel music, and Southern story tellers to enrich the curriculum.
The second podcast I watched was a HIV educational video. It took place in South Africa and informed people of the horrors of rape. It showed a typical day for a teenage girl who was raped by her father and then chastised by her mother when supper wasn't ready when she got home. This video opened my eyes to the horror that children must go through in these types of situations.


Jennifer Averitt said...

Good job Marlena

Matt Cline said...

nice post marlena. very clear information!